Sunday, November 27, 2011

Name Meaning Explanation Competition 2011

Sukarman is attending balavihar classes every sunday from 9.00 to 10.30 where he learns small slokas and bhajans. They announced a competition for explaining individual meaning of name and also must tell why they have been named so. The competition was held on  27th nov 2011. Sukarman was first to start the competition and he explained his name meaning as follows.

Hari Om, My name is sukarman. SU+Karma , su means good, karma means work, Sukarman means person who does good work, En amma appa yen intha peru vachirukka - bcoz, I am so sweet. Nallathey seyanum. Thank you.
This was recorded in a video form.
He said the above very cutely. Also the other kids too explained their meaning very nicely and it was so nice to know the meaning of all kids names and reason behind it.
It was said that winners will be announced on balavihar annual day celebration to be held on Dec 31, 2011.

The day arrived. annual day competitions were held in their balvihar class.Every year they celebrate this by organising sloka chanting competitions, fancy dress and bagvat gita channting. Actually i made my son ready for fancy dress competition. The topic given was national leaders. Suddenly my son suffered with high fever so he was not able to prepare any for it. So i informed sloka madam about it. But she told me to be present for the function even if my son doesnot take part in any program.

Some how i prepared my son for function by giving medicine but still he his health was not better. Evening i dressed him up with a nethaji dress. But he  felt very tired. But he managed to be with other children n just stood with them for some time and later i made him to take rest in near by house.

Finally they announced the name meaning explanation competition winners. My son was given first prize for explaining his name in detail. I felt so happy it was a surprise amidst of my sons bad health sloka mam told me to be present for this memorable evening. He competed with other big children boldly in very small age so he was given this prize they said. So proud of my son.Really my son was happy to see the cup.indeed was a very happy new year to all of us. So excited new year.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My first air travel with my baby

Hi i would like to share my experience about my first air travel with my baby....From Chennai to Singapore(it was my second travel to Sg).

My baby was at three months.As i am going alone to abroad with my baby we reached airport earlier to avoid tensions in the last moment. Also the day before travel I was not well.I was suffering with fever,vomiting.So I took some tablets to avoid postponing my travel. (Also very eager to see my Hubby after long time :wink:)

My parents and in-laws accompanied me to the airport. "Thank god, visitors were allowed this time! God saved me by this, so that i gave my baby to them!"and went to check in my travel.

I went for scanning my luggage(3 Suitcases).Hand baggage was with me.After scanning i went to check in counter for getting boarding pass, also informed about Basket for keeping baby. Also I came to know that i can put extra 10kgs in my luggage (though my Hubby told, he gave only safe Number of Kg's) so i planned to put my hand baggage also with that. So i took out all my valuables and things necessary for my baby and transferred to my small bag and locked the hand baggage and i again went to scan this bag.Then i put it in my luggage with other bags.

By this i am saved from Carrying both luggage and baby together.

I felt relaxed and i proceeded to other formalities. I stayed in parental room in the airport in order to nurse my baby.
( :whistlewow Chennai Airport has a good maintained Parental Room!!!) My baby felt more comfortable and i was tension less. I was also able to rest myself for sometime since i was not well. We did not realize our time passed here so nicely.

After tat i got boarding announcement so i rushed to the respective gate for boarding inside the plane.I was given a baby basket for my baby. After take off, i made my baby sleep in the basket. He slept peacefully in that.

We don't have much to write While in travel! Both of us slept :)nicely, in between i fed my baby two to three times.Thank God ! he did not scream or do any mischief.

In few hours of time, we reached our destination(Changi Airport).I was so excited that am going to see my hubby after a long time.He was waiting outside eagerly to see both of us :).Due to bad health, i thought that i could go home soon and take rest.

I completed all formalities in the airport and came to luggage collection.As i was holding my baby in my hand i could not lift luggage, the person near me helped to take my bags one by one. I got three bags which i first checked in and i didn't get the last bag so i was waiting for more than an hour to get that. The person who helped me was also waiting patiently for my luggage.As time up, i thanked him and said i will manage myself.

Then i requested airport authority and gave my baby to my hubby who was waiting outside. I told him to wait for sometime and returned back to my search.

As i was so tensed i couldn't even smile at my hubby and also had no time to tell Wat is happening.

My baby was seeing nicely all lights in the airport, up to some time he helped me by not crying, and slept at hand after some time until i give to my hubby.

After some time, i was informed that all bags of my flight arrived and my bag was missing.:shock: I was very much upset since i kept all my original documents,baby dresses and toys inside tat.As that was my hand baggage before i kept all these items in that. In the last moment i took only valuables and left remaining as such.I dont know Wat to do.

I was taken to "SATS LOST AND FOUND" section in the airport to give complaint about my bag. I don't have any hope tat i will get my bag back. Yet, i went to give complaint. There i was asked about all these things listed below.

a) colour and model of my bag
b) about locking particulars (locked or unlocked),model and colour
of lock.
c) all other things inside bag(any eatables,valuable items,dress,
documents etc.,)
d) rough estimation of the items inside the bag (such as date,place
and cost of purchase- separate estimation for rupees and dollars)
e) Address and contact number in India and Singapore.

I become mad, :confused2:already tired, clock at 10.30pm, my kid & hubby waiting outside, could not recall all my history.

After i gave all these particulars i was given a complaint number. I was asked to check with the airport next day by telling my complaint number.(The airport authorities were kind enough until i gave all information's about my bag).

It was ten thirty when all these procedures were over.I came out of the airport and explained all Wat happened to my hubby. He comforted me :cool2:and told tat we will definitely get our bag. As i was not aware of this before, i had no hope about it.Then we got inside a cab to reach our home. On the way, i talked to both parents about my safe arrival. I was not able to tell my:cry: worries to them.Becoz, even small worries make our parents feel a lot. So i didn't tell them about this. We reached home by 11.30pm.

Next day morning, as soon as we got up we rang "Lost and Found" phone number at Changi Airport and we came to know that our bag was found and it was sent to our home in person we will get it in another half an hour . I was so happy for having got our bag back. Also so thankful to the wonderful Service rendered by Changi Airport Authorities.

:idea:packing Things for my Trip helped me :-

by saving part of my time -(ie.if some else has packed i must call
them and find out Wat was inside my
bagfor giving complaint, and it would
grab more than half an hour)

Hope u enjoyed the post though it is very long :wave

Aug 19, 2008

My Car Driving Challenges!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Let me start up with my Driving Test experience. I learnt to drive a car five years back from a driving school............   * It se...