Tuesday, November 29, 2016

School fancy dress competition dialogues

Here I have posted various scripts I prepared for my kids for various programs.I have prepared this for my kids convenient.


My humble pranams to all of you.
I am sukarman portraying myself as swami vivekananda.
He was a great leader , his speech at Chicago inspired many people.
His birthday is celebrated as national youth day.
Remember his quotes a man who has no faith in himself can never have faith in god.
Thank you.
# vamanan - avatar of vishnu(for festival theme program)

I am vamana
The 5th avatar of Vishnu.
Never underestimate anything for its appearance.
Home coming day of mahabali is celebrated as onam every year.
Thank you.
Kevat - boatman

Hi I am mithran of ukg, I am depicting myself as kevat boatman.
God ferries people across ocean of samsara I ferry people from one place to another.
Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.hare rama hare hare rama rama rama hare hare Krishna hare Krishna krisha Krishna hare.
Thank you.
#Traffic signal
Hi I am traffic signal
You can see me on all road junctions.
Red means stop,yellow means ready, green means go.
Avoid using phones on roads,use zebra crossing to cross roads.
Don't forget to give your way for ambulance and fire engine.
Thank you.
# Krishna.
Hi I am Kutty Kanna.
This is my flute.
I love butter (this has to be done by holding small butter pot n licking butter).
Thank you.

# Jawaharlal Nehru (for children's day)
Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14 November 1889.
His father name is motilal Nehru and his mother name is swarup rani.
He loved children.
So his birthday is celebrated as children's day. We call him chacha Nehru thank you.

My teacher - for teachers day.

Hi I am mithran of Ukg. I am going to talk about my teacher. My teacher name is Hema mam.
H for happily, E for encourage, M for me and my friends A for always.
She happily encourage me and my friends always.
So I love my teacher.
Thank you.
All above scripts are simple ones
Mostly I opt for no heavy costume look.as both of my kids don't wear any extra out fits.
I found tough to make my son wear extra accessories for vamana.

I prepared script for doctor n rama too. But forgot those scripts....as I may forget these scripts also I am wantedly writing this on my blog.

# few points to remember before teaching kids.
*always teach kids simple lines without hurry even when they play they listen.
* make sure u write up full script in advance from namasthey to thank you. Before you start to teach them the script.
* any add on points will confuse kids
* finally we must not focus on winning part.....as each child is unique...only we should enourage our kids for their efforts.

I still remember my elder sons look after completing krishna script. He changed script as he was helped by mam wen he had starting trouble.

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