Sunday, June 29, 2008

My First Blog Post, Website for My Baby

Hi Everybody,

This is the first time i am blogging. I wish to share some of my thoughts with u all.

I am mother of BabySukarman four months old. Recently i started searching website for hosting about my baby. I thought a while..... what to share about my baby in a website? tat itself became a long thinking process for me :)

I always start every project with lots of interest and discontinue after a while. Let me see how it goes this time. Instantly i discussed with my hubby he said that nevertheless u discontinue, start fresh process every time to keep u energetic. I laughed and told him that this time i will complete the projects which i am taking without discontinuing. Then i searched for model websites, some of them are informative but not fully coping to my interest. I saw Brinkster giving free website with website builder (which my hubby told) which offers free templates and easy to customize website content.

Any of u come across good Baby websites pl share with me. These days i find very tough to get time for doing all this but still i wanted to complete this task, so that my son will come and see one day "How my mom was doing all this amidst all other works".Hope he will be excited to see that:)

Birthday And Rideversary

 This blog is specially dedicated to my elder son. As we recently celebrated his 16th birthday Feb 19th last month and also Rideversary day ...