Monday, September 6, 2010

Sukarman Play School - Fancy dress competition

Fancy dress competition was announced in his school today on the event of the Teacher's day celebration. So their school teachers did inform us about the same previous week. As it was the first competition he is participating i thought he should be dressed up differently. So i discussed with my hubby and finalized a entirely different costume for him.

We bought a Commander dress for him!. But i was bit worried as he refuses to wear full hand shirts these days(he likes only half sleeved shirts). I didnt loose hope i showed him the dress and asked if he would like to wear it and see yesterday. He was quite happy by seeing stars in his shirt so we named the dress as "STAR DRESS".He agreed to wear the dress but after putting shirt he removed it in few min. So i decided not to force him.

Again today morning the same story happened. So i packed his dress to school. I thought if he sees other kids wearing different costumes he might also like to wear this costume. My idea worked out by seeing other kids he told that he wants to wear star dress. Finally he got dressed up. This is the photo of our Little commander.

As parents were also invited for the function i stayed with him. Later all kids were asked to tell their names and he did spell his name, started with "Hi" "My Name is Sukarman" "Bye"

Voila ! He won first prize in this competition and i was so happy to see my son getting his 1st ever prize outside Home environment. He was given a certificate along with a disney princess coin bank.

My Car Driving Challenges!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Let me start up with my Driving Test experience. I learnt to drive a car five years back from a driving school............   * It se...