Monday, October 9, 2017

Submitted Mithran's photo for disney junior birthday book

It was my long time wish and I am so happy that,
 i could submit my second son's photo for Disney junior birthday book today.

Some might think me insane and might not understand my exact feeling no problem.
As a mother am happy because I submitted my elder son's photo years back n he was showcased in birthday book.

The same way I wanna see my second son too. I waited these many years n finally got to know we can submit through mail....from India.

Felt so happy as my little ones favourite was mickeymouse.This year is his 7th birthday.

Today I sent mail with our details n sons photo as his birthday is on November 23. Got automatic confirmation from Disney channel.

Not sure whether his photo will be selected for birthday book Keeping my fingers crossed to see the upshot.

Whether he is selected or not he received his first birthday wish from Disney junior.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Our first visit to SHIRDI from CHENNAI


It was our long time prayer to visit shirdi.Finally my prayer got fulfilled with Baba's blessings by the end of year 2016. We travelled to Shirdi with our two kids. It was the first air travel for my little son.

It was a two day trip organised by IRCTC.
Flight package
Day 1
chennai - pune.then pick up from airport n on the way darshan at ranjagaon ganapathi temple - shirdi drop at hotel.
Day 2
Afternoon shirdi - pune airport on the way darshan at shani singhapur- drop at pune airport.

Detail itinerary  available in website. I would like to share my personal experiences here.

Day 1 - Dec 28, 2016

We got up early in the morning by 3.00am. Started to airport by 3.45. Reached airport by 4.30. As our cab arrived lately we hurried to airport as our flight was scheduled 5.15am.

All formalities got over, When we were about to board security said tat luggage tag is not stamped so we went to get it stamped. Later we got into bus which took us near the spice jet plane, kids were too excited to see flight near. We got into flight n realised tat all of our seats were in different places. Somehow we managed n got two seats together . I sat with little n  my dh with elder. But flight start time was rescheduled to 6.00.

Both of my son got too excited about their travel. My younger one was quite over excited as usual.......He started screaming during take seeing outside of the window.CO passenger got tensed when ever my little was so disgusting by seeing co passenger as if they have not handled kids before........he too has two daughters sitting on next row.....he too must have crossed all these phases but now has no patience at all... my son never minds all these things... so i stopped worrying and we had bread jam tat we bought from home as breakfast.......and passed to my elder son and hubby.

My elder son was reading spice jet magazine book and engaged himself by seeing different model planes.He was thinking that we all will sit together n chit chat but quite disappointed with seating arrangement.

My younger one spent drawing on his notebook....he drawed his brother jumping from parachute...i asked him why are u drawing it.... he said from plane we need to jump with parachute only so i am i said and was so happy for those moments........waiting for those moments for long time finally happened with blessings of sai.

By seven we landed in pune airport.....once we peeped out of our jet, the weather was too cool. kids cannot bear with the cool climate and asked for sweaters(they hate wearing it if i tell them to put on).......we collected our luggage and irctc agent waiting for our pickup at airport.

We all got into traveller van....we started from pune to shirdi.........with three other families...they too have kids so we all were pooled in that van......On the way we stopped for refreshment in idly & me restaurant.
Different name for restaurant.........

Then after two hours we reached ranjangaon ganapathi temple...we were given half an hour to visit and come back to our van. So nice entrance for temple with elephant statues on both sides.

We bought small ganesha idol as a remembrance to our visit. Then we started our journey. Though i was very tired as i got up early i don't want to sleep and miss sight seeing. Such a beautiful treat to eyes...on both sides........Enjoyed seeing it.Also i saw chatrapathi sivaji terminus could not take a snap and also can see many small shops featured hand made cricket bats.....n came to know ,that place is famous for cricket bat lovely view....thought of taking snap on my return journey.........finally we arrived shirdi by one o' clock.

We stayed in Bagyalakshmi hotel...Very nice interior and rooms were so clean and hygenic. we kept our belongings in our room. We went to have our buffet lunch... Really so awesome food and kids friendly...Both my kids enjoyed eating such a delicious food.

Then we took rest in our room for few hours as we booked for evening  Dhoop aarthi,also for that we need to start by four. So that we can avoid rush we thought...but there were heavy rush on all sides...

We entered temple through Gate number four we carried aarthi slot printout and id proof of my husband in whose name slot has been booked.... We were asked to wait in mandap opposite to shani gate thru which we need to go for our evening arthi... Security incharge arranged chairs in the order of our coming to hall and made to sit on line.... while waiting there we enjoyed listening to songs sung by local peoples of shirdi., such a nice songs could not remember its hearing it one cannot remain seated they feel to dance.

Then by 5.00 we were taken by the security to shani gate.....we entered the queue....i was really so excited as in few minutes my long time prayer is going to be fulfilled....but i had to go through various tests for my patience until i see him for the very first time.  Suddenly the queue was divided into two ladies separate and gents separate.. my elder son and dh in one line.. and my little one and me in other queue.

By seeing crowd my little son started screaming that he want to go to his dad. But there was a heavy rush. so i cannot stop his crying......for few min he will be silent then again he start few min later, he started crying more by seeing his dad on other side......i was very tensed as co-devotees are more concerned and they suggested me to pass him to my husband. i was worrying why all places people dont have patience when my kid scream...i just ignored their intention was not to explain about my situation rather i learned to be calm and finally i saw BaBa...dressed in words came from my mouth..........As soon as aarthi song began my son became very he knows the song before......i realised he knows how to calm him.......also he seeing him even if he doesn't. I could not stop my tears.

After arthi we were given flowers. i thought it was babas prasadam but later realised they distribute flowers and get back from us and offer to baba on behalf of us like that. but could not do that as i was carrying my son. we had a closer look of  baba and came out of the queue. meanwhile my husband and elder son came after darshan. we got laddu prasad.

We came back to our room and had dinner buffet.Kids got familiar(they are fast learners) about where plates are kept and how to serve themselves and had their dinner happily. Food was so yummy and good for tummy too.Then we took rest as we were all tired. we slept well.

Day 2: Dec 29, 2016

Morning got up early and got ready.. as we have booked for darshan by 9.30. we had break fast buffet
and then started to temple. By showing our slot timings we were allowed inside bit earlier. Security at gate no.3 became my kids friends, he recognized us and my kids greeted him. Then we entered for darshan queue by shani gate. Then this time we were all together and we waited to move along inside line of the queue so that we can have a closer look of baba.

                                            baba idol

left side                                centre                            right side

o  / i                                                                           i / o

in above i stands for inward line and o for out ward line... if u want to see baba closer must go on inward line on either side........but that is not easy for us to decide.........i understood after going there.......We may plan any but he has a plan ready for us. Thankfully we happened to go on inward line on left we had closer look of baba....and came out in centre and got a chance to prostrate before him with my was because of his grace it happened.....if we think that, this should happen, and that should happen nothing finally turns good. But if he makes things happen then nothing can be better than that.

After darshan we came to dhuni lit by baba and then stood in udhi queue and got prashad.......and also we bought new year calendar and saw museum where his padukas n dress kept.

Later we saw hanuman mandir and Lakshmibai cottage,abdulbabas cottage. Then we returned to room and packed all things n went to have lunch buffet.  So nicely done again no words to say.

Then we checked out of hotel and started to pune by 1.00. As per our itinerary , we were taken to shani singhapur, on the way we saw bulls grinding sugar cane juice.Below you can see tat photo.Many swings decorated with balloons for kids to play with. Really kids enjoyed balloon swings till our juice was ready.Also fried snacks we calls as aatu kaal in tamil(in childhood days we use to insert that in our fingers and taste) available. All passerby halts n enjoys in this beautiful place.

Then we visited shani singhapur temple. We were not allowed to take photos there......but still no body follows the rules. Everyone busy taking selfies.

On the way we captured chatrapathi sivaji statue and cricket bats made by roadside vendors from our traveller van

 Then we halted in the smile stone restaurant for a small refreshment. So nice view surrounding this place.
Add caption
These ducks are so cute and kids enjoyed seeing it. There was also a park near by for kids to play.

Beautiful windmills view near smile stone.

Finally we reached pune airport and we had dinner there. But after getting into airport we came to know that
flight is delayed by three hours. What to do we enjoyed sight seeing, flight taking off and landing. Kids were sleepy, still they too dont want to miss seeing flights. we managed and after that we boarded our flight by 3.00 kids were sleepy. this time my little one didnt scream as he slept well while taking off and landing. Finally we arrived safely to chennai. 

Few points learned through our visit.

1. Dont carry any electronic items.... phone, cameras.As this is a selfie era.....if you wish to take snaps on way or any near points close to temple premises...any one of u must be ready to walk again to room to get back mobile and cameras for capturing memorable moments...But dont rely on anybody who says tat u can keep your valuables in nearby shops. in hurry we may leave it there....but later our mind remains there and worries about our things in the shop and we cannot have a peaceful darshan timings varies...

2. if you are going along with  more than two kids.especially small kids........please make sure and decide whether they are coming with father or mother in prior talking to kids.......because there may be a separate queue for ladies and gents during arthi...we really suffer a lot as we were not aware... my son started crying that he must go to his dad. it was tough for me to co -devotees are more concerned about childs cry.

3. Be prepared  to face any delays or sudden change of plans in your trips. What ever happens is for good only. So be patient our purpose of visit is to seek blessings with peaceful mind and happiness so dont give room for any other things.

I got reminded of these lines in my mind,

Dear God, i still remember the days i prayed for the things that i have Now.
Also It is because of your blessings we were able to do things that we are doing Now.


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