Thursday, December 3, 2020

Golu 2020

Our Home GOLU: 2020

Navarathri usually comes during September month this year it is coming in October month.

This is the first year we using steel shelves for arranging golu dolls. Usually I make it using old carton boxes. 

We bought regular 5 steps golu padi. It took nearly 4 hours to fix it. As it was first time we making steps using steel.17 rods, 5 slabs with bolts to fix it.

We had no idea of how to fix it. So we managed to count holes on the rods to help fix correctly. 

But still we faced little challenges while fixing our steps. We first settled base part of our Golu and started fixing slabs from lower step to top.

When fixing slab of 4th step we could not fix bolt inside the hole, later we came to know that all other steps we kept vertical ovals hole as top. In this it was horizontal oval so we couldn't insert bolt through it, later we changed the rod upside down n fixed it.

Then after final fixing golu padi was still shaking after tightening of bolts. Then we decided to check counting of holes again and changed its position by balancing it correctly

This is how it looked.

Then i covered steps with my DH dhotis for all steps. In the middle i put a blue colour cloth to add beauty to our golu. Then first kept kalasam on first step and placed all idols in each step. This year new arrival doll is peenkan leaf vinayaka. This is how our golu looked.

This is our park arrangement for this year.


Friday POOJA:-

This year saraswathi pooja:-

Last day Aarthi by my sons,
Our prayer 

Dear God "Like this year every year we want you  to come to our Home and bless us".

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