Wednesday, November 23, 2022

12th Birthday Fun Frugal / Lavish (Part- 2)


Mithran Kutty!!!!! 

Finally we did shopping in his favorite shop. He really enjoyed his day

Started to buy items as per his checklist 

Mithran busy shopping, he usually don't mind to see price tag. This time he carefully checked price tag and selected items as per his list and budget πŸ˜‰. 
He was happy to see globe Keychain not exceeding his budget for the day. 

Carefully paid bill at the counter and got balance amount. He learned that we should bring our own bag else need to pay money for the bag. 

Shopping done finally, here comes his expense list. 
items he purchased πŸ‘†

He spent Rs. 465 and 35 was his savings for the day. 
Extra special : 
he got offer for ear rings so he got two pairs. 
Also for shaving cream brush was free. 
For Razor a battery was given free. 

So he is a Frugal boy who spends every single penny with extra care especially he is same like my DH in spending. 
Great job Mithran!! Hope you had great fun. Once again our blessings to you on your birthday. Love you our sweet little Charm. Stay blessed!!!!! 


Sunday, November 20, 2022

12th Birthday Fun Frugal / Lavish (Part- 1)

 This 23 November 2022 our Little Master turning Twelve. Time is flying hard to believe that our Little one turning 12.

Couple of years back we celebrated our elder sons 12th Birthday by getting Twelve surprise gifts for his birthday which I have detailly written in one of my blogs.

It would be boring if we follow the same kind of stuffs, that too both of my son's love creative ones.

So to make it memorable found this ideaπŸ’‘

I will be giving Rs. 500 to my son he need to buy 12 different things with the given money, he should not spend more than 500 also number of items should be Twelve.

This is to find out whether he spends money carefully or carelessly ie Frugal/ Lavish.

My younger one loves to make checklist so he started making list of things he need to buy. 

His first thing was to buy Lassi for his Appa as my DH loves it. BUT we said strict no to food items. So he need to think alternative. His bucket list filled with needs of Appa, Amma, Anna, Himself. Good to see that he  included our needs as well.  (younger one planned to buy one thing for us but elder suggested to buy each 3 items so he could buy exact 12 things). 

Later asked him to estimate amount for things he listed and it totalled upto Rs. 360. 

So we need to go to shop if his estimation matches with actual. 

Keeping fingers crossed we started to shopping centre - Mithran Super Stores @Guduvancherry with his name (whenever we visits that shop he feels overwhelmed by seeing price tag in his name........ But sad thing is we need to pay for it 😜😜😜). 

Shopping Fun To be continued.......... 

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