Monday, February 3, 2025

My Car Driving Challenges!!!!!!!!!!!!


Let me start up with my Driving Test experience.

I learnt to drive a car five years back from a driving school............

  * It seemed to be easy as instructor used to cover up my mistakes........

  * Got only less time behind the wheel before i took a driving test.....

  * learned basic skills as it was manual car and also felt less confident.

 * I failed in my first driving test as car switched off during my turn. Got very much disappointed still gained some confidence and passed my test.

* Later after five years we got our own car. 

I did few test drive and felt Tata Tiago suited me well as it had seat height adjustment. Also I felt comfortable and got good view point and confidence while driving it. So we booked our car and waited for more than six months as it was an EV vehicle.

That was too special car as my DH bought it for my sake though he cannot drive. We did Pooja of our new car and got our car key, with help of a driver we drove it to our apartment.

My first challenge started when I tried started my car for taking it to do Pooja in our apartment Vinayagar temple. Just by inserting key car will not start we need to hold break n bring to N ready and it was ready to start. I drove for Pooja and parked it back with long struggle.

From then on every day morning by five to six (less traffic time) used to drive my car for practice. My elder son and DH would help me go for practice.

One day there was heavy rain so I took help from our apartment driver to guide me when I drive. Although I am confident bit nervous to drive. Day by day I improved my skills by following a stereotype driving pattern like I used to maintain same lane driving, start to school pickup half an hour early than usual to avoid heavy traffic on road and easy to park my vehicle in school as well. Somehow I got used up with day driving. Next is to practice night driving.

I used to take my vehicle whenever I get opportunity to pick up any guests late night from the bus stop or drop them at bus stop. Likewise I gained night driving skills and slowly started to take vehicle confidently during night time.

Of course learning to drive on city traffic in Chennai will help you master your driving skills for sure. Only thing we need to be patient and you need a trustable partner with you so you don't need to panic during tough times. My on road partner is my elder son who supports me, though my DH and younger son too support at times.

Driving is nothing but hand, foot and eye coordination at the right time according to me.

  • I had a good steering control when i first started to drive and was less confident to judge my left and front side.  This skill can be mastered after repeated self-practising hours on your car. 
  • Using indicators and horn was not that tough to master.
  • On road fear and routes was not that difficult as i was a good two wheeler driver.
  • Use of wipers during travel was initially tough and later got used to it.
  • Initially i was mindful using brake and accelerator pedals i used to keep my foot raised with support so that i can easily apply brake when needed, this created leg pain after driving. due to anxiety i used to sweat as i was extra cautious when going with my kids , so i never raised my speed above 40, that was bit helpful maintaining mileage of my EV car.
  •  When driving on high road if we brake and accelerate car may drift back little, i would be nervous to do so and feared i may hit vehicles behind me, but after a year i was able to manage that as well.
  • Driving on road bumper to bumper was tough as i may give way to many moving vehicles as i stay safe distance leaving more gap in front. This fear too i overcame after many days of practising. 

Above are some inputs from my driving experience. Though many male drivers supports and be patient on road which was helpful in mastering the needed skills which i lagged few criticised and involved road rage for i was female. I learned to stay calm on those situations and stayed away from these people.


You may think i didn’t face any accidents....twice i hit my car on wall when i accelerated more during parking inside our apartment parking i couldn’t sleep thinking of that. Later we fixed that dent with insurance coverage. Henceforth i stayed extra careful. I feel so very proud for crossing 6000km behind wheel..............Of course learning continues...............challenges too awaiting in my journey...............will share more soon.................... :) 👩😃 



Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Birthday And Rideversary

 This blog is specially dedicated to my elder son. As we recently celebrated his 16th birthday Feb 19th last month and also Rideversary day of our Tata Tiago EV...this March 19th 2024.

A very "Happy Birthday to our Superman Sukarman "

16 th Birthday Special:-

As my elder son was writing his Igcse grade 10 exams we couldn't celebrate his important milestone in a grand manner. 

As he was running on his hectic schedule going to School attending special classes and preparing for board exams holiday was the only thing he missed as he had school even on Sundays ☺️.

As it was a preparatory holiday ( but still special classes were there)on his birthday he enjoyed staying at home ( I asked him to take off)and relaxing himself was really helpful for cheering himself.

So on his birthday I planned to plant 16 types of plant varieties in our home garden)as a surprise one(it was not that surprising for him though 😜).

Somehow he got convinced and did things, we planted below in our garden.

Vegetables,fruits,flowers that we planted.

Spinach,Ladys finger,brinjal,tomato,Chilly


hibiscus- 3 varieties, Rose,lemon,pavazhamalli,nadhiavattai,mandharai, naval tree.

We almost planted all by the end of the day.

Earlier before two months we planted coconut trees...

We really enjoyed doing this both of my son's engaged doing garden work 

This is how our garden looked after planting. We planted vegetables in a grow bag on the other side of our garden but missed to take pics.

This birthday will definitely be a memorable one in my son's the years to come....


This is the first year year celebration of our Ev car....This my DH gift for me.... doesn't mean this is our second car .....this is our first car...

We booked our ev as soon as it was launched..We got it delivered after 6 to 7 months of waiting....

In between waiting time we sometimes thought to cancel and go for second hand car until I test drived... I have previously drove Swift,Hyundai( learnt to drive in that car) and did test drive in Renault triber car but it was very big and tough to judge wheel turning.

When I did test drive in Tiago EV felt it was more comfortable to drive as that was the first model I have seen with seat height 😉 adjustment so was easy for me to drive.

Later on the day of our car arrival we all dressed up in teal blue colour to match our car did special pooja by placing Ganesha idol in our dashboard and also solar ring as an add on.

We got our key and took pics and I first drove my car smashing lemons was an unforgettable memory for me

We brought it to our home with the help of a driver. Later on that day we performed pooja in a nearby temple....really it was a big task to take a ride to entrance of our apartment where Ganesha temple located. 

Every time I ride a car it was a big task I have reached 4500kms as of now......will share my driving story in my upcoming blog.....

It has been an year until Our Tiago became a member of our family ,we would really like to thank our travel buddy for our safe journey with our family. Happy Rideversary to our Tiago Ev....🤩

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Akila patti's Life journey 1932-2021

Akila patti I really Miss you a Lot!!!!!!!!!!! No words to express how much Love i had on you.

This post is specially dedicated to my "World's Best Grandma".

She was born in the year 1932, as Last daughter in a place called korangupettai. She had 5 elder brothers and 2 Elder sister. She started to cook in the age of 8 and took care of her brother and sister's kid. Though she is not educated no one in this entire world can be as good and wise and kind as she would be. 

Akila paati got married in the year 1953 and blessed with a son and 2 daughters.

Grand Children: 7

Great Grand Children:12

Great Great grand children:1

 But she lost her second daughter due to some health issues when my aunt was just 8year old.

My paati looks very beautiful. She had an excellent culinary skill, great singer, she draws beautiful kolams, if she folds a cloth it looks like it is ironed and folded. She was a multitalented person. 

She never orders anyone to do this or that. She herself does all things.I have heard about stree dharmam and she has followed that dharma in her lifetime and also inculcated its values in our lives. 

There are lot more things to list about paati because she has always supported me and inspired me with her skills and especially her patience. I used to wonder how can she be that much calm for all sorts of problems, she never reacts or bothers others by reacting what ever tough situation she has faced in her life. No one can face such a situations in their life. 

PATTI AMMA  you are the best. Words are not enough to write about you.

I could say aloud that Money or other things cannot decide how rich we is the way we live and impact values on others life, so according to me you were the RICHEST , WEALTHIEST person in this whole world..............AKILA PAATI MISS U LOT........................

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

12th Birthday Fun Frugal / Lavish (Part- 2)


Mithran Kutty!!!!! 

Finally we did shopping in his favorite shop. He really enjoyed his day

Started to buy items as per his checklist 

Mithran busy shopping, he usually don't mind to see price tag. This time he carefully checked price tag and selected items as per his list and budget 😉. 
He was happy to see globe Keychain not exceeding his budget for the day. 

Carefully paid bill at the counter and got balance amount. He learned that we should bring our own bag else need to pay money for the bag. 

Shopping done finally, here comes his expense list. 
items he purchased 👆

He spent Rs. 465 and 35 was his savings for the day. 
Extra special : 
he got offer for ear rings so he got two pairs. 
Also for shaving cream brush was free. 
For Razor a battery was given free. 

So he is a Frugal boy who spends every single penny with extra care especially he is same like my DH in spending. 
Great job Mithran!! Hope you had great fun. Once again our blessings to you on your birthday. Love you our sweet little Charm. Stay blessed!!!!! 


Sunday, November 20, 2022

12th Birthday Fun Frugal / Lavish (Part- 1)

 This 23 November 2022 our Little Master turning Twelve. Time is flying hard to believe that our Little one turning 12.

Couple of years back we celebrated our elder sons 12th Birthday by getting Twelve surprise gifts for his birthday which I have detailly written in one of my blogs.

It would be boring if we follow the same kind of stuffs, that too both of my son's love creative ones.

So to make it memorable found this idea💡

I will be giving Rs. 500 to my son he need to buy 12 different things with the given money, he should not spend more than 500 also number of items should be Twelve.

This is to find out whether he spends money carefully or carelessly ie Frugal/ Lavish.

My younger one loves to make checklist so he started making list of things he need to buy. 

His first thing was to buy Lassi for his Appa as my DH loves it. BUT we said strict no to food items. So he need to think alternative. His bucket list filled with needs of Appa, Amma, Anna, Himself. Good to see that he  included our needs as well.  (younger one planned to buy one thing for us but elder suggested to buy each 3 items so he could buy exact 12 things). 

Later asked him to estimate amount for things he listed and it totalled upto Rs. 360. 

So we need to go to shop if his estimation matches with actual. 

Keeping fingers crossed we started to shopping centre - Mithran Super Stores @Guduvancherry with his name (whenever we visits that shop he feels overwhelmed by seeing price tag in his name........ But sad thing is we need to pay for it 😜😜😜). 

Shopping Fun To be continued.......... 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Upanayanam preparations of our Eldest Son


In this post am sharing about some prior preparations we did for organising punal function and also the memories of the upanayanam function of our Eldest son Sukarman.




First thing that we started is to decide date for the function with elder's blessings date was fixed on february 4th 2021. We had two months time to get things ready as we decided date during december month. Then we got invitation format from sastrigal and gave invitations for print. 

In next two days we got our invitations ready. My son designed english version of invitation for sending it through watsapp. First we prayed to our Family God and sent invitation copy to native and Kanchi periyava and got blessings from them.

Our next step is to collect address of our relatives to whom we need to send invitation and sent them through registered post as we were not able to go in person to invite all. Then as the invitation reached one by one we called them and invited. Special thanks to everyone for making this function a grand success.

Some prior arrangements that we did before punal.

  • We booked our apartment party hall for the function
  • Rooms and separate houses for guest to stay(thanks to owners who gave us the home to use for our guests)
  • catering agent to prepare special food for all our guests
  • photo and video to capture those lovely moments
  • Hall decorations and garlands and vazhai maram for the function
  • We didn't hire person for melam and nadhaswaram instead we used our music system to play songs for the occassion.
  • cleaning persons to clean home and party hall.
Note: On this occasion i would like to thank each and every person who worked hard for the function.  Many thanks to our neighbor for giving their Ammi kal for the function. Also whenever we are in need of things, for arranging things and organising many helped us (parents, my sisters and his brothers) on time and it mattered a lot for us. 

***My grandmother and My DH grandmother was present for the function to bless their GREAT GRANDSON. Also My DH Periappa-Periamma & My Chithi-Chitappa also graced the occasion.

Things needed for sumangali prarthanai:-

The below list are the things needed apart from the basic things like mustard,jeera,pepper,toordhal, tamarind,ghee,oil etc. that is there in our home. As this is kalyanam pondugal we can make use of the things in our home. Otherwise all items need to be new one. 

Manjal,kumkum,chandan,limestone,betel leaves, supari,flower,fruits.

Jaggery-2kg,Urud dhal -1kg

Channa dhal-1/4kg ,coconut - 4 no's

beans - 1kg, Raw banana- 4 big or 5 small

brinjal- 1/2kg, lemon- 3 ,cucumber- 1 big

coriander leaves - 1 bunch , Raw mango-1 number

rava- 1/2kg , atta - 1/2 kg

white pumpkin - 1, ladies finger- 1/2 kg

elephant yam - 1/2 kg , coconut oil

rice-3kg , banana leaves, cashews.

This the menu we prepared for the sumangali prarthanai.(for 15 persons)

  • payasam,thayir pachadi,sweet pachadi
  • Moongdhal and broken channa dhal gosumalli
  • raw banana and beans curry
  • thanikuttu
  • senai ,brinjal kuttu and white pumpkin kuttu
  • lemon rice, raw mango pickle, coriander thuvaiyal
  • channa pittlai
  • rasam,more kulambu, sojji appam
  • vadai, paruppu,rice
We need to make nalangu manjal and must keep vessel of water near saree.

**NEED TO MAKE EZHAI KOLAM for the function. we soaked channa dhal previous night and curd-2 and a half litre was made ready previous day. Rest all prepared morning.


We performed Sumangali prarthanai and Got blessings of all ancestor women of our family. So we woke up early morning and did pooja with nine yards saree to be kept for that days pooja along with oil and shikkai powder to be given to all pondugals who were invited for the function. Later we soaked Navadhanyam for paligai as instructed by vathiyar.

*** Me,My mother,father ,DH and vadu did prayer that this function should happen with almighty and ancestoral blessings.

****Later i dipped nine yards saree in water and put it for dry early in the morning.(4AM). Then i put ezhai kolam for God and outside our home. Then started arranging for that days pooja.

****I Invited 4 pondugal + 1 podavai kalam prior to function and made arrangements. Later got opportunity to include two more pondugals for the same.(Thanks to my mom and gowri akka for giving their hands on this).

Then all pondugals were served food and given tamboolam with mattai thengai and freshly prepared maruthani. Then everyone of us(including eldest family members) got blessings from them.Then we served food for kids and all men of our home.(This is the only day women were served food before men)

Later we all got ready for the evening function poorvangam.

We all dressed up and got ready for the function. Function started by getting blessings from elders. Then we invited all our family women for sowing palligai(blessed moment as we got exactly 9 sumangalis for doing that), Later vadu was taken for snanam. After that He wore new dhothi ,My Father in law Put Garland for vadu and Yellow kappu was tied on his hand.

That days function went on well and ended with AARTHI.

Note: We need to pick fresh maavilai(by kalyan anna),cup of milk(by Bala anna), two cups of rice and sand(by sundar) for sowing paligai and one garland for vadu and flowers for all.As we are doing poorvangam previous day ;vadu will be bathed on that day too; so we need towel and extra dhoti for that evening too.

04 February 2021

Naandhi was performed on early morning remembering all our ancestor Men of our family. Then Agni was lighted by me and my mother.Then sacred thread was put for my son. After some poojas vadu was taken for kumara bhojanam(Pappa athai). 

Next is Sawara Kalyanam for the vadu. Asking My son's permission his front part of hair shaved and the dhothi the boy is wearing is given to the barber. Later my son was bathed and dressed up in new clothes. Kajal is kept by his aunt(Rama Akka) and he is carried on shoulder by his periappa(Kumar Athimber). As i dont have a brother my athimber carried him on his shoulders. 

Then my son did pada puja for his father and later he was made to stand on ammi stone and thanga poonal and velli punal was put on his shoulder. Later My son sat on his father's lap and we all were covered with pattu veshti and Gayathri mantra upadesham was given. Got blessings from all elder's of our family.

My son said abhivadhanam to me and got my blessings. This is the only one time vadu says abhivadhanam to only woman that is his mother. So Blessed moment.Then he got bhikshadhanam from me and offered the rice to me.(next day we should make any sweet using that rice),After that my mother put bhiksharisi, then Other Family women members also offered bhiksharisi for vadu and finally the function ended with aarthi and everyone was given tamboolam along with murukku and laddu and a memorable return gift.


*** My Sister Lakshmi  and athimber for giving hands, in making Packets of laddu and murukku for distributing to our guests.

*** My younger sister Suba and family for their special wishes and gifts though they were not able to join us the function. 

****Special thanks to Gowri for suggesting kadukkan idea and that was the highlight of the function as kids looked cute wearing it.


**** We need curd, rice, garlands, flowers, ammi, thanga poonal, velli poonal,pancha patram, bhiksha rice, plate, seer bakshanam, parupputhengai, dresses.Also discuss with sastrigal to make arrangements of missed items.


Special thanks to catering person for making quality food for our guests.Photographer and Video grapher(all our guests admired his smily approach attitude), for capturing memorable moments

After the function is over we immediately came to our home and took aarthi and invited vadu inside our home as it would be Ashtami in the afternoon of that day. 

In this moment i take immense pleasure to thank each and everyone who attended this function  and all those who wished  through phone and blessed us for making this function a grand success.Also this write up is not to show case what we did but wanted to keep this day's happenings as a everlasting memory in our hearts.

My younger son started serving food volunteerly to guests.

The fifth day palligai looked like this

Return Gifts:-

This was indeed specially Made vilakku and it was ordered by my DH from Nachiyar kovil Kumbakkonam. It is a Brass OM Vilakku Uniquely made for our guests. 

Special Song:- 

My father sang a song for swara kalyanam that is Enna punniyam seydheno sadhguru natha song. Inspired by the song tune i got an instant song on my mind for my son and sang it for final aarthi.

Also i would like to convey apology to all our function attendees if at all any thing we missed out in honoring them in anyways and special thanks to everyone once again for making this function a grand success as i have mentioned names of only few, doesn't really mean that others are left out, it is because of everyone's blessings we were able to do this function in a grand manner.

Finally, The real success lies in the hands of my son by  following  our dharma in the path of our ancestors.

वेदोऽखिलो धर्ममूलं स्मृतिशीले च तद्विदाम् ।
आचारश्चैव साधूनामात्मनस्तुष्टिरेव च ॥ ६ ॥

vedo'khilo dharmamūlaṃ smṛtiśīle ca tadvidām |
ācāraścaiva sādhūnāmātmanastuṣṭireva ca || 6 ||

The entire Veda is the root-source of Dharma; also the Conscientious Recollection of righteous persons versed in the Veda, the Practice of Good (and learned) Men, and their self-satisfaction.

tarko 'pratishthah srutayo vibhinna
nasav rishir yasya matam na bhinnam
dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam
mahajano yena gatah sa panthah

By arguing we will get nothing. There is no lAbham (लाभ:) . There might be subtle differences between vedam (वेदं) and rishiis’ vAkyams (ऋषीणांवायं) . So, for observing sadAcAram (सदाचार:), we should follow the practices of our family traditions or kulAchAram as done by our elders.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

International Relocation during COVID (from UAE)

 This is an important and incomparable Global Relocation from UAE for our family.

I wanted to share this post earlier once we reached INDIA as we came here during June30th 2020.

When International travel tickets were just opened after LOCKDOWN period. 

WE planned for relocating to india once school academic year gets over. As the last working day was 27th june 2020. But we were worried a lot about our travel. Like how to get tickets and travel safely with kids in this pandemic situation. We didn't do much plans as we didn't know exact travel dates. 

Everything that happened in our life is only a miracle it all happened because of Gods abundance blessings on our family and our elders prayers. As everyone from our family were more concerned about our travel.

No one will believe our story as it all happened in a matter of a day. Yes we relocated from UAE in a day planning as we got our tickets on june29th morning 10.30 with travel date june30.

We registered with indian embassy as we wanted to relocate after exams over. But we got no updates on travel dates. So we couldnot concretely wind off everything from Gas connection to Home furnitures selling.

June 29th

Actually after making breakfast for the day i went to Air India office at khalidiya.It was located at walkable distance from our home. We didnt step out of our apartment since march month. I stepped out of our home for checking tickets with air india office so that we can plan ahead to get ready for our journey.

I reached the agency there was heavy queue especially men's queue waiting outside ticketing office.As there was separate queue for women i happened to get my token. In few min the queue control was taken by police as there was heavy rush. I was called inside and i was happy that i got chance to enquire about our travel dates amidst of this heavy rush. this was my token picture

Once i entered they got our passports and checked about our registration details with embasssy. It took time for them to check so i was asked to wait outside. But police asked me to leave place to avoid women waiting for long time. So they told me they will call me if any updates. so i returned to my home. Suddenly i got a call from agency to collect our tickets for next day to trichy. I was shocked to hear this it was already 10.30 how can we start to india tomorrow. 

They told us to come immediately and in no matter of time we had to decide what next has to be done. That too most important and crucial decision. I went to ticket office to collect our tickets. I could not control my tears while walking on road i felt helpless and very tired. Meanwhile my DH called everyone from Gas connection, water connection, eb connection, phone and internet disconnection and home rental agreement cancellation and so on. 

I still remember that days happenings after these many days. We also had to give away all our furnitures. From everywhere we got pressured. No one was believing our short time plan of relocating that to the very nextday. Somehow all things happened. Packing things was one of the hectic things. 

That day i understood that there is no use of these many things in our life. We hardly use everything. Apart from our needs. From kids books, notebooks,old dresses, cooking utensils, and so on.  WE packed things vigorously we were not able to waste a single minute. 

Also we had our younger sons keyboard as that will not be allowed in hand luggage,  we had to give that to my sons music institute that evening. Me and my kids went to institute for giving keyboard and returned home with a long walk on our favourite road. We were all worn out fully. We had to eat outside in a restaurant near our home that night. We got a person to shift our furnitures. As we had to handover our home empty we had to compromise with everything that happens around us. 

Only one desire we had was our safe travel other than that we cant think of any other. AS lockdown period was over and every thing started to function normally with safety protocols in abudhabi we were able to get done all works easily. 

Our flight was scheduled for 6:00 pm next day. so we have to be in airport atleast 6 hours before as we had to do our test in airport. 

So we had our dinner and planned to sleep we could not sleep properly that night. By 12:00 am some authorities came for taking covid test we told them we going to india today but still they insisted to take the test as they doing it area wise. They took our emirates id and after some time two people came in PPE suit came for taking swab test. 

We all took the test. My younger son was in deep sleep and we had to wake him up for the test. IN middle of sleep he also underwent swab test. Later we got our id's.

The next day morning my husband had to go for rental home documents and key handover. We cleaned our flat for hand over. We ate our lunch and bid good bye to our home and started to airport at 12:30.

We reached airport by 1:15. Before entering we had to go for a Rapid covid test in abudhabi airport. 

Thankfully we all got negative as we didn't travel anywhere for past 3 months.

Then we checked in airport. Followed social distancing protocol we could see markings on floor and on seats in waiting areas. Below are few pic in airport.In this tough situation we clicked this to mark our historical moments.

WE boarded the flight by 5:23

We all were wearing mask,gloves, and face shield till end of our journey. All middle seat passengers were given PPE kit. My dh got a ppe kit to wear.Other than hand bags and laptop bags all other bags were put in checked in luggage. Once we all were inside the plane. We could see many passengers like us and also most of them were pregnant women who were travelling back to india in this flight with us.

We sat in our place quitely. We found it hard to sit without touching any places. As we were all tired kids slept in flight. We kept washing our hands if we accidentally touch any place. We were given water bottles in the plane and small pack of  food was given. We had our own water bottle. So we didn't eat or drink in plane

Mainly we didnt use rest rooms during our travel. 

Almost by 11:30 our flight landed in trichy airport. All our luggages were sanitised before it was put in conveyer belt. We collected our luggage. We gave the filled form in airport and did covid test in the airport before exiting.

We got stamped on our hands. Later we went to periyar maniammai university at vallam. There we requested for home quarantine. They didnot agree with our request after repeated request we got permission for home quarantine.

This travel indeed was a memorable trip as we relocated from abudhabi with kids in Covid 19 period.

My Car Driving Challenges!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Let me start up with my Driving Test experience. I learnt to drive a car five years back from a driving school............   * It se...