Friday, December 3, 2010

How we named Mithran

Last pregnancy we knew that its a Baby boy. But this time it was full of suspense until the day arrived. So we were ready with one name for girl and two for boy.

Finally the day arrived and we got to know that we were blessed with a baby boy we decided to choose one name from our list. That is Mithran.To know more about his name click here

By seeing detailed name meaning sites of our both sons many asked if we analyzed this much before we chose their names. But we Chosed the names which was close to our heart and we really feel that both names are good and suits them.

Yet, We hosted the meaning of their names (with the help of google) in detail for their(our sons) reference.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sukarman is Brother to Mithran!

Sukarman became a big brother on Nov 23rd 2010. He now has a baby brother named Mithran.

Sukarman is a WONDERFUL big brother, and loves giving Baby Mithran hugs and kisses. He is always making sure I know when baby is crying and he started calling him as thambi(little brother) with so much happiness. Though he want to touch him frequently, his Thambi is not ready to realise and even cry some times!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Aksharabhyasam (Writing Hari Om)

Today is Vijayadasami, We were planning to start writing activity (learning) for Sukarman from this auspicious day. So we dressed him up in our traditional wear and took him to the school(inside our block).

There we made him write "Hari OM" in grains(raw rice) with the help of his teacher. Later He wrote Hari Om in slate by holding his teachers hand in Tamil,English and Hindi. Then he got blessings from his teachers too!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sukarman Puzzle Work

Sukarman has lots of interest in puzzle he does all puzzle activities in no time. He learnt all english alphabets,numbers,shapes,colours and animals through various puzzle activity.His teachers says that even in school he does the puzzle work very fastly.

Also he has won First prize for speed puzzle in his school today. He was given a certificate along with a pencil box. We are so happy that he learns all physical activities so quickly.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sukarman Play School - Fancy dress competition

Fancy dress competition was announced in his school today on the event of the Teacher's day celebration. So their school teachers did inform us about the same previous week. As it was the first competition he is participating i thought he should be dressed up differently. So i discussed with my hubby and finalized a entirely different costume for him.

We bought a Commander dress for him!. But i was bit worried as he refuses to wear full hand shirts these days(he likes only half sleeved shirts). I didnt loose hope i showed him the dress and asked if he would like to wear it and see yesterday. He was quite happy by seeing stars in his shirt so we named the dress as "STAR DRESS".He agreed to wear the dress but after putting shirt he removed it in few min. So i decided not to force him.

Again today morning the same story happened. So i packed his dress to school. I thought if he sees other kids wearing different costumes he might also like to wear this costume. My idea worked out by seeing other kids he told that he wants to wear star dress. Finally he got dressed up. This is the photo of our Little commander.

As parents were also invited for the function i stayed with him. Later all kids were asked to tell their names and he did spell his name, started with "Hi" "My Name is Sukarman" "Bye"

Voila ! He won first prize in this competition and i was so happy to see my son getting his 1st ever prize outside Home environment. He was given a certificate along with a disney princess coin bank.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sukarman Play School

I enquired the school inside our block for putting him in preschool today and I asked them for trial classes for two three days to see if my son likes to go there without hesitation.

He stayed there for one hour and i took him back to our home. After trial classes are over we admitted him in that school from the next few days. But when he started to go school, he refused what happened still we could not figure, but once go inside, he do the activities followed there.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Favourite activities of Sukarman preschool period - Part 1


Sukarman is a great listener of music. He often sleeps with mp3 player by listening to his favourite songs when he is sleeping at slings at the age of 1. He used to touch the screen to see the light very often when he holds it. Also we use mobile ringtones when we go outside to make him engaged. Also we have downloaded his favourite songs separately and loaded in our mobile phones so that also it helps most of the times when he starts throwing tantrums during our outings.

Nowadays since he listen lot of tamil songs he has started to hum his own song in his own way.

Kitchen utensils and gadgets:-

He has many toys to play but he loves to play with kitchen utensils and gadgets :) . He imitates all what i do in my kitchen. So we bought him a Kitchen play set for him to play so that would be safer but he loves to play with cooker,idly pot,mixer, on. I have given him an dummy mixie to play with but he is so brilliant and shows me the wire to connect in the switch board."wink"

Going out:-

If we say to him we are going out. He is the first one to get ready. He immediately runs to his dress cabin and grabs two three sets and give us. Then next he don't run if we comb his hair during this time.."smile". Next he sits in a chair to wear his shoes. He also reminds us to wear our slippers.


He has lots of attraction for it....He loves to play with water by pouring from one jar to another,While taking food this is his favourite activity so easily he eats what is given(not always). If i just say this is bathing time he runs to bathroom and he enjoys opening and closing of tap. Then He loves to watch rain.If he hears thunder he comes running to us by saying Iye,Iye....(idi in tamil) he just says first letter.


There is a swing for kids to play in the park near our home,He loves to swing in it. It is so tough for us to get him out of it even after spending more time there.

Balls and balloons:-

He is a great indoor football player.....and also a volley ball player too.....he kicks the ball to the extent he can.....also like a volley ball player he throws the ball to kitchen sink(will clean it and give him again he will do the same in no time)."wink"

He likes to hold the balloons as much as possible.Even if he is holding one in his hand he will look for the other ones(kids are of same nature) We have never returned to our home without balloons Whereever we go (to any malls/shopping places) he will get balloons.

Cars and Buses:-

All kids are easily attracted by the moving objects and so is he. He likes to watch the cars and buses for a long time sitting in the bus stop.Of course he lines up his toy cars, bus, vans and ride them all around our home. Since he sees there is gate at our block entrance which opens before vehicle activity, he asks us to do open a gate for his movement too, when he park all toy vehicles in a table or sofa. One more thing while we go for a walk in the evening he used to spell the alphabets and numbers written on the car and bikes number plate.

Switch Board:-

Even if it is in heights he climbs up in a chair to switch on fans.He switch on the night lamp even during the day time.

Bell Ringer:-

When ever we do pooja he rings bell until we complete the same. He is a perfect bell ringer.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Our Little Einstein Zooming through a Rocket

Until today we didnt get any mail from Playhouse Disney Channel for selecting our son's photo for Birthday Book. So i was little disappointed but didnot lose hope. I still believed as the month end(january) was on saturday and sunday there is a chance of delay in selection letter.

So i thought why not just watch out the birthday book never mind if sukarman comes or not.For the past one month the only work i did was to memorize the timings of Birthday Book.

Everyday Playhouse disney Birthday Book will be shown on 7.55am, 11.25am, 3.25pm, 7.25pm,10.25pm. Every month they select around 80kids and in each time slot 8/9 kids will be shown. We can see our kids on alternative days if got selected.

So i tried to watch 7.55am today but just missed......Again i was waiting for 11.25am..Although am not sure to see my son,I was ready with my camera to record Birthday Book........To my surprise i saw sukarman's photo inside Little Einstein Rocket and was so excited to record those precious moments,My joy knew no bounds.

My son was not aware of what is happening.Really i was so happy and immediately i shared my joys with my hubby.He was so happy to hear about this.

Later on i transferred the video to my PC and played it.I showed it to my son he pointed himself on the screen.

We were so happy to see our son's photo on Birthday Book......that too on his very favourite cartoon channel. see  the  photo below Our Little Einstein zooming through a Rocket.

We also received Letter from Playhouse disney today along with a Tigger-ific New year styled CNY Gift Covers.

We are so happy that Our Endeavor came true.

My Car Driving Challenges!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Let me start up with my Driving Test experience. I learnt to drive a car five years back from a driving school............   * It se...