Monday, August 15, 2011

Passport for my baby 2008

This is my personal post on a forum, i would like to share in my blog too. I wish to share my experience about getting passport for my baby.

Since my hubby at abroad, this process suits to many hence wish to share the story.  


Get your Marriage certificate immediately after marriage.
Get your ration card detailed merged after marriage (make it same address)

Add your name in Hubby's passport and his name in your passport in yours. - This involves both of your passport will get changed, pls do in abroad itself well ahead before delivery travel -
If you decide to do in India it is very very tough and hard work after delivery, it can be avoided (with kid, yourself) traveling to Passport office many times

Plan your baby name well ahead. Give the baby name while delivery itself to Nurse / staff assistant Convey them that we need the BC (birth certificate) at the earliest, Talk to to them before delivery day, if there are expenses involved, please do so.

Please leave this assignment to another person (father,FatherinLaw,Brother's) so that they will (should) followup and get the BC while you go home after delivery, please press for many copies first time itself (2/3 copies)

 At a convenient day after delivery take Passport photo for your baby, make sure the photographer sits at home for some time, take the photograph until he satisfied, it must be taken without using Flash,Blue/White background, so that baby will not get disturbed (it is up to your interest), ask for multiple copies (say 15-20 Photographs, if you want give them instruction for Full scape photo also)

 If your hubby present in india No need to get affidavit other wise they should get in abroad (using Marriage certificate, you passport copies, Photographs some might ask) receive it in hand parallely.

 If you wish to apply in person, (save some money) If you wish to apply through travel agent (procedures are same, but expenses more) Book online appointment with passport office after submitting your details(using Internet), Get a PDF file printed, take multiple copies of it. -

Get ready with your address proofs,
 -Your Passport & its copies full pages
- Your Hubby Passport & its copies full pages
 - PP size photographs of yours, hubby's, baby's (many copies)
 - address / ID proof yours:
- Ration card copies & original (if can)
 - Voter ID copies & original (if can)
- Get Demand Draft delivered to your address (using Net banking of ICICI/HDFC/etc.)
 - Get your Passport Form filled all particulars, verify it after get printed from Website.
- If you decide to apply in Tatkal make sure you change Amount (it is for normal passport printed from website)
- Get thumb impression from baby.(on a convenient day)
 Plan your trip to passport office with all maximum details (if not required also please carry, Rules are changing frequently everywhere without notice, Dont trust Government Website)

 Important Note: With all these documents please get verified with a Passport Agent or With Passport Office by Another person, before you travel there, so that you can avoid lot of delays when you travel with Kid. With in week you will get your baby passport.

 We learnt this process by tough cost of time and exercise! Hope all of you enjoy, get useful of this info.
 Thanks to all for reading this, Anu.

This post is based on our personal experience we faced 2008.

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