Friday, February 12, 2021

Upanayanam preparations of our Eldest Son


In this post am sharing about some prior preparations we did for organising punal function and also the memories of the upanayanam function of our Eldest son Sukarman.




First thing that we started is to decide date for the function with elder's blessings date was fixed on february 4th 2021. We had two months time to get things ready as we decided date during december month. Then we got invitation format from sastrigal and gave invitations for print. 

In next two days we got our invitations ready. My son designed english version of invitation for sending it through watsapp. First we prayed to our Family God and sent invitation copy to native and Kanchi periyava and got blessings from them.

Our next step is to collect address of our relatives to whom we need to send invitation and sent them through registered post as we were not able to go in person to invite all. Then as the invitation reached one by one we called them and invited. Special thanks to everyone for making this function a grand success.

Some prior arrangements that we did before punal.

  • We booked our apartment party hall for the function
  • Rooms and separate houses for guest to stay(thanks to owners who gave us the home to use for our guests)
  • catering agent to prepare special food for all our guests
  • photo and video to capture those lovely moments
  • Hall decorations and garlands and vazhai maram for the function
  • We didn't hire person for melam and nadhaswaram instead we used our music system to play songs for the occassion.
  • cleaning persons to clean home and party hall.
Note: On this occasion i would like to thank each and every person who worked hard for the function.  Many thanks to our neighbor for giving their Ammi kal for the function. Also whenever we are in need of things, for arranging things and organising many helped us (parents, my sisters and his brothers) on time and it mattered a lot for us. 

***My grandmother and My DH grandmother was present for the function to bless their GREAT GRANDSON. Also My DH Periappa-Periamma & My Chithi-Chitappa also graced the occasion.

Things needed for sumangali prarthanai:-

The below list are the things needed apart from the basic things like mustard,jeera,pepper,toordhal, tamarind,ghee,oil etc. that is there in our home. As this is kalyanam pondugal we can make use of the things in our home. Otherwise all items need to be new one. 

Manjal,kumkum,chandan,limestone,betel leaves, supari,flower,fruits.

Jaggery-2kg,Urud dhal -1kg

Channa dhal-1/4kg ,coconut - 4 no's

beans - 1kg, Raw banana- 4 big or 5 small

brinjal- 1/2kg, lemon- 3 ,cucumber- 1 big

coriander leaves - 1 bunch , Raw mango-1 number

rava- 1/2kg , atta - 1/2 kg

white pumpkin - 1, ladies finger- 1/2 kg

elephant yam - 1/2 kg , coconut oil

rice-3kg , banana leaves, cashews.

This the menu we prepared for the sumangali prarthanai.(for 15 persons)

  • payasam,thayir pachadi,sweet pachadi
  • Moongdhal and broken channa dhal gosumalli
  • raw banana and beans curry
  • thanikuttu
  • senai ,brinjal kuttu and white pumpkin kuttu
  • lemon rice, raw mango pickle, coriander thuvaiyal
  • channa pittlai
  • rasam,more kulambu, sojji appam
  • vadai, paruppu,rice
We need to make nalangu manjal and must keep vessel of water near saree.

**NEED TO MAKE EZHAI KOLAM for the function. we soaked channa dhal previous night and curd-2 and a half litre was made ready previous day. Rest all prepared morning.


We performed Sumangali prarthanai and Got blessings of all ancestor women of our family. So we woke up early morning and did pooja with nine yards saree to be kept for that days pooja along with oil and shikkai powder to be given to all pondugals who were invited for the function. Later we soaked Navadhanyam for paligai as instructed by vathiyar.

*** Me,My mother,father ,DH and vadu did prayer that this function should happen with almighty and ancestoral blessings.

****Later i dipped nine yards saree in water and put it for dry early in the morning.(4AM). Then i put ezhai kolam for God and outside our home. Then started arranging for that days pooja.

****I Invited 4 pondugal + 1 podavai kalam prior to function and made arrangements. Later got opportunity to include two more pondugals for the same.(Thanks to my mom and gowri akka for giving their hands on this).

Then all pondugals were served food and given tamboolam with mattai thengai and freshly prepared maruthani. Then everyone of us(including eldest family members) got blessings from them.Then we served food for kids and all men of our home.(This is the only day women were served food before men)

Later we all got ready for the evening function poorvangam.

We all dressed up and got ready for the function. Function started by getting blessings from elders. Then we invited all our family women for sowing palligai(blessed moment as we got exactly 9 sumangalis for doing that), Later vadu was taken for snanam. After that He wore new dhothi ,My Father in law Put Garland for vadu and Yellow kappu was tied on his hand.

That days function went on well and ended with AARTHI.

Note: We need to pick fresh maavilai(by kalyan anna),cup of milk(by Bala anna), two cups of rice and sand(by sundar) for sowing paligai and one garland for vadu and flowers for all.As we are doing poorvangam previous day ;vadu will be bathed on that day too; so we need towel and extra dhoti for that evening too.

04 February 2021

Naandhi was performed on early morning remembering all our ancestor Men of our family. Then Agni was lighted by me and my mother.Then sacred thread was put for my son. After some poojas vadu was taken for kumara bhojanam(Pappa athai). 

Next is Sawara Kalyanam for the vadu. Asking My son's permission his front part of hair shaved and the dhothi the boy is wearing is given to the barber. Later my son was bathed and dressed up in new clothes. Kajal is kept by his aunt(Rama Akka) and he is carried on shoulder by his periappa(Kumar Athimber). As i dont have a brother my athimber carried him on his shoulders. 

Then my son did pada puja for his father and later he was made to stand on ammi stone and thanga poonal and velli punal was put on his shoulder. Later My son sat on his father's lap and we all were covered with pattu veshti and Gayathri mantra upadesham was given. Got blessings from all elder's of our family.

My son said abhivadhanam to me and got my blessings. This is the only one time vadu says abhivadhanam to only woman that is his mother. So Blessed moment.Then he got bhikshadhanam from me and offered the rice to me.(next day we should make any sweet using that rice),After that my mother put bhiksharisi, then Other Family women members also offered bhiksharisi for vadu and finally the function ended with aarthi and everyone was given tamboolam along with murukku and laddu and a memorable return gift.


*** My Sister Lakshmi  and athimber for giving hands, in making Packets of laddu and murukku for distributing to our guests.

*** My younger sister Suba and family for their special wishes and gifts though they were not able to join us the function. 

****Special thanks to Gowri for suggesting kadukkan idea and that was the highlight of the function as kids looked cute wearing it.


**** We need curd, rice, garlands, flowers, ammi, thanga poonal, velli poonal,pancha patram, bhiksha rice, plate, seer bakshanam, parupputhengai, dresses.Also discuss with sastrigal to make arrangements of missed items.


Special thanks to catering person for making quality food for our guests.Photographer and Video grapher(all our guests admired his smily approach attitude), for capturing memorable moments

After the function is over we immediately came to our home and took aarthi and invited vadu inside our home as it would be Ashtami in the afternoon of that day. 

In this moment i take immense pleasure to thank each and everyone who attended this function  and all those who wished  through phone and blessed us for making this function a grand success.Also this write up is not to show case what we did but wanted to keep this day's happenings as a everlasting memory in our hearts.

My younger son started serving food volunteerly to guests.

The fifth day palligai looked like this

Return Gifts:-

This was indeed specially Made vilakku and it was ordered by my DH from Nachiyar kovil Kumbakkonam. It is a Brass OM Vilakku Uniquely made for our guests. 

Special Song:- 

My father sang a song for swara kalyanam that is Enna punniyam seydheno sadhguru natha song. Inspired by the song tune i got an instant song on my mind for my son and sang it for final aarthi.

Also i would like to convey apology to all our function attendees if at all any thing we missed out in honoring them in anyways and special thanks to everyone once again for making this function a grand success as i have mentioned names of only few, doesn't really mean that others are left out, it is because of everyone's blessings we were able to do this function in a grand manner.

Finally, The real success lies in the hands of my son by  following  our dharma in the path of our ancestors.

वेदोऽखिलो धर्ममूलं स्मृतिशीले च तद्विदाम् ।
आचारश्चैव साधूनामात्मनस्तुष्टिरेव च ॥ ६ ॥

vedo'khilo dharmamūlaṃ smṛtiśīle ca tadvidām |
ācāraścaiva sādhūnāmātmanastuṣṭireva ca || 6 ||

The entire Veda is the root-source of Dharma; also the Conscientious Recollection of righteous persons versed in the Veda, the Practice of Good (and learned) Men, and their self-satisfaction.

tarko 'pratishthah srutayo vibhinna
nasav rishir yasya matam na bhinnam
dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam
mahajano yena gatah sa panthah

By arguing we will get nothing. There is no lAbham (लाभ:) . There might be subtle differences between vedam (वेदं) and rishiis’ vAkyams (ऋषीणांवायं) . So, for observing sadAcAram (सदाचार:), we should follow the practices of our family traditions or kulAchAram as done by our elders.

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