Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Maths model presentation - competition

This is our own idea for the competition.
My younger son received 3rd prize for his presentation. This competition was conducted for grade 3,4, and 5. My son did last year when he was in grade 3.

We thought of many ideas as it should be a working model. It was my DH who suggested to make models using sri chakra as it is related to maths more.

Now how to make the model as a working model. I got an idea of making sri chakra as a jigsaw puzzle pieces. As my younger one crazy about joining puzzle pieces. We can think and plan many but kids must be ready to do. Especially my younger one will not do things if he don't like.

I bought a foam sheet and took a printouts of sri chakra in a 10 rupees A4 print sheet which has laminated top part. Normal A4 paper print we can't cut exact as we need to cut sharp for puzzle pieces. As we must not spoil srichakra outlooks.

Below are some cut pieces of our model.

Now,model ready so  next is script to present this project. Instead of just saying full script nonstop to make it real explain- ing and interesting for listening we followed below things along with our script.

** We used ice cream sticks to make
** Took printout of other two forms and
     Pasted on card board.
** Things need to be arranged neatly so
     It is easy to handle by kids while
** Empty card board for placing puzzle
     Pieces, two other forms below empty
     Cardboard,3 ice cream sticks,9 puzzle
Topic is Nine Triangles

Namasthey,i am mithran of grade3A, today I am going to talk about nine triangles.

What is a triangle?

(Now he must join 3 icecream sticks to make triangle and tell answer)

A triangle is a closed 2 dimensional shape formed by joining 3 line segments. It has 3 lines and 3 vertices.

Now let us join 9 puzzle pieces and see what we get.

(Now he must arrange all puzzle pieces,
to save time and confusion during presentation it is better to number it from 1 to 9 in pencil, during practice my son used to arrange pieces upside down from 1 to 9 so he can save time while arranging and focus on explaining part).

We get Sri chakra or Navayoni chakra which is used for worship and meditation as per Hindu shastra.

Nava means nine. You can see nine triangles in the middle.Five downward triangles representing female God Shakthi and four upward triangles representing male God Shiva.

5 interlocking triangles lead to creation of 43 small triangles with a center point Bindu.

You can see two circles with eight and 16 flower petals representing a lotus.It is framed by broken squares, representing a temple with four doors open.

Since Sri chakra is based on triangles it has three forms.

(Now he must put the top plane form other side and show below form, similarly next one)

First form is plane form
Second form is pyramid form called meru.
Third form is spherical form called as kurma.

You can see pyramid form in the kandasram temple located in camp road.

Thank you.
 Note: Last part can be changed as per the local place near our locality.

All script inside brackets ( ) are action parts along the oral script.

Hope this post will be helpful to all. Share your feedbacks about this.

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