Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Science project Reusable materials around home- Balloon / Manual water dispenser

This is a science project recently done by my elder son by using Reusable materials around home.

We saw many videos online and tried to make out rubber band race car, water fountain, bottle racing car,but none was working as there is some key points not shared in the videos we saw. So am still working on it to get a correct working procedures once I get a clarity will share those on my blog.

For this experiment we used plastic
bottles,straws,rubber band, glue, scissors, small beads,old two way sketch pen caps, balloon, medicine bottle caps washer.           ( white colour circle foam type sheet on lids). Empty used tissue box to make outer cover for dispenser.

First take a bottle and make a hole on its side and insert the straw in white Cork and later put it inside the cut hole on its sides.
Now apply glue around the holes and let it dry.

Later make a hole on bottle lid and insert another straw with a white Cork. So that it looks neat. Now our model is ready.

We need to make a balloon blower. For that we need,
                                    Pic 1
Pic 2
                                     Pic 3

Take things as in pic 1,next attach balloon to one end of sketch cap rod using rubber band, now insert a straw inside a small bead and insert it through other end of sketch rod  glue around the bead part so no air leaves. Now we can blow balloon using straw. 
 We need to place our bottle model inside tissue box and our side straw part should come out if tissue box top which is now used as sides in our model as shown in picture.

Our model looks like above. 

Using a funnel fill Bott let below holes level, now blow balloon blower n join the blower straw by holding tight to the bottle straw when we take our finger air releases and pushes the water in the bottle through the hole, we need a resuable container to be placed near the water dispenser. 

This is how he completed his project with Reusable materials around home with a neat chart presentation of his model.

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