Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Show and tell for kids

This is a simple show and tell topic as Aladdin done by elder son.

Good Morning Friends,
My name is Sukarman I am from class 4b.

I am going to act like Aladdin.

Hi friends, I am Aladdin,this is my magic lamp....I love magic lamp because it grants all my wishes....

Hmmm....(thinking gesture), what can I wish for ......
1) A cool breeze to touch my cheeks... Noooo

2) A bag full of gold and diamonds nooooo...

3) yeah(idea got it gesture) A good health through the year and also to be strong and happy.

You get things, you wish for if you have lamp like this. Thank you.

The above is a simple show n tell we prepared in a day time this is non competitive one, for presenting in class. My son took a Aladdin lamp (we made  our own model of lamp) for showing.

This is the model we made, I have attached a metal bangle by bending it to make the above shape, and attached to the lamp using a metal string.

Voice modulation in above script plus some extra add on creative lines would be good. Just shared what we did.

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